Communications In Management™
An Extra Five Knots

How "Communication In Management"™ supports the Principles of “Managing Management Time™”
The Real World
In this program, attendees further strengthen their molecular relationships by refining their ability to communicate in the three "languages" in which people are listening. To be able to effectively get your message across, you have to know and be able to integrate into all your communications:
• The Language of Completed-Staff-Work —What people listen to,
• The Language of Motivation —What people listen for, and
• The Language of Trust —Who people listen to.
Our Approach
The Situation: This seminar/workshop is built around a management parable that deals with the fundamental challenge of getting an organization to perform beyond its apparent capability—to, in effect, “do the impossible.” In the seminar’s central parable, the Captain of a ship urgently needs extra speed from his vessel that just isn’t there, at least according to the manufacturer’s specifications. How the Captain gets “The Extra 5 Knots” of speed provides the basis for revealing the requirements and strategies to achieve performance “above and beyond the call of duty.”
We are in the era of the most rapid, continuous change in human history. The opportunities have never been more varied nor the challenges more stimulating. The demands upon managers and their organizations have also never been greater.
A key characteristic and determinant of successful managers and organizations that stands out universally is EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS! Ask any executive what qualities are most valued in subordinate managers, and the ability to powerfully communicate ideas, values, and priorities will always rank up at the top. These managers know what’s going on and what is critical to success. They know how to get these messages communicated, understood and rapidly turned into appropriate action by the right people.
Our Purpose: This seminar/workshop is for anyone whose work contribution is primarily or significantly judged by their ability to get other people to act. This includes managers at all levels, and professionals whose knowledge, skills, values, plans and priorities only come to fruition through other people. The engineer’s paper bridge design is only an elegant idea. The reality is in the hands of the people who work the steel. So, our course is for those whose challenge is to provide “the chain of understanding that binds the organization’s people to their common purpose.”
Since nothing gets accomplished unless people are tuned in, turned on, and turn out what needs to be done, we focus on the requirements to make that happen. Issues dealt with include:
- “Boiler Scale,” what it is, how it cripples organizations, and what it takes to make it disappear,
- what questions people need answered before they will join your parade or hop on your band wagon—that is, commit,
- how to turn negative situations into positive, motivating forces for action,
- how the organization’s work can provide the means for people to achieve their personal goals,
- what specific goals and priorities most influence organizational success —and how to communicate their importance,
- why improving your communications skills will not lead to improved organizational performance without other magic ingredients, and
- the four management “positions of strength” and how these can be used to to make effective use of your most powerful communications tool, your personal example.
Attending the MMT seminar is a prerequisite in order to insure that you have built — or are in the process of building — the professional relationships which have people predisposed to listen to what you have to say.
Our Invitation To You
If you would like to make our Communications in Management™ available to your MMT graduates, contact us about conducting the course on-site at your company location.