About Our Site

About Our Site


An Introduction to Oncken’s Leadership
Philosophy and Programs.

This introduction will give you thumbnail descriptions of the pull-down menus and the contents of this site.









Describes both what Oncken Leadership training IS and IS NOT. Two self-administered, introspective questionnaires are provided to help the visitor determine whether our leadership training will benefit them.

About our Site


This is where you are now! This introduction will give you thumbnail descriptions of the pull-down menus and the contents of this site.

Our Company

Our company’s goals in a nutshell.

A thumbnail biography of the creator of these proprietary leadership programs,  their unique imagery and constructs, and the founder of our company.

A biography of our company’s current president, the eldest son of our founder.

Organizations that have contracted with us in the past to perform on-site presentations for their personnel.

The Real World

A statement of the continuing responsibilities every leader (and would-be leader) in your organization. This mission statement has applied to every leader in history from Alexander to Great to the present, and will be applicable to all future leaders.

This is a proprietary model which will show you the breadth and depth of Oncken training.

Seminars and Workshops


There you will find the course descriptions for our presentations.

The operational, logistical and political realities that specifically impact on the leadership responsibilities of supervisory, managerial and executive personnel.

Those elements of MMT which specifically apply to non-supervisory staff members.

There you will find the MMT Application™ Workshop™, the Communications In Management™ Seminar/Workshop, and the Managing Managerial Initiative™ Seminar/Workshop™.

There you will find pricing and requirements for arranging on-site presentations for your organization.

For clarity, when the use of a gender neutral term or expression would be cumbersome, we have used the masculine form.

Terms of Access


There you will find the terms you agree to abide by when accessing this site.