Managing Management Time – Classic




Author:  William Oncken, Jr.
Price:  ISBN 0-13-550690-5 : New. Hardcover. : 244 pages
Publisher:  Prentice-Hall, Inc.  (1984)

Business Management, Leadership, Economics
Could you increase the value of each hour you put in:

  • If your boss delegated more responsibility and assigned fewer tasks?
  • If the paper work you do added up more often to something important to you, and not just to someone else?
  • If you could successfully anticipate, and not have to wait for, the decisions of your boss and those of other departments?
  • If your own subordinates would assume more responsibility for day-to-day operating decisions — so they would not even reach your desk?
  • If you could maintain performance standards high enough to encourage your weakest subordinates to move on and challenge your strongest ones to stay?
  • If interdepartmental conflicts and differences were resolved more often at those levels in the organization where they initially arise?
  • If sales, production and accounting (for example) could get together on more things that you now have to arbitrate?
  • If so, then this book will be invaluable for you. When you have finished reading it, go over the full list (on pages vii and viii) and notice the difference in your perceptions. You will find that the progressive difference in your perceptions will materialize in the increasing value of each hour you put in on your job.  The ball is now in your court.

Table of Contents:
Introduction:  An Ongoing Exercise in Time Perception
Chapter 1:  Principal Objective Sources of the Manager’s Time Management Problems
Chapter 2:  The Management Molecule
Chapter 3:  Principal Subjective Sources of the Manager’s Time Management Problems
Chapter 4:  Building Molecular Support
Chapter 5:  Maintaining Molecular Stability
Chapter 6:  Maximizing Leverage for High-Value Output


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