Could you increase the value of each hour you put in:![spacer.gif](image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhMgAKAJEBAP///wD/AAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAyAAoAQAIUjI+py+0Po5y02ouz3rz7D4biiBQAOw==)
If your boss delegated more responsibility and assigned fewer tasks
If the work you do added up more often to something important to you, and not just to someone else.
If your own subordinates would assume more responsibility for day-to-day operating decisions–so they would not reach your desk?
If you could deputize your subordinates to represent you — within clearly understood limits — at meetings you now attend “in person”? And if your boss would similarly deputize you?
If you could rely on your subordinates for more of the decisions they now depend on you for? And if your boss would rely on you for more of the decisions s/he now reserves for him- or herself?
If your subordinates were already on top of more of the problems you now get called about? And if your boss were less often called about problems you already have well in hand?
If your absence from your job for a month would delay only one aspect of your job — namely, planning?
If you could successfully anticipate, and not have to wait for, the decisions of your boss and those of other departments? And if your subordinates would similarly anticipate you?
If you could ask for — and get — the operating information you need instead of having to “dig it out” for yourself?
If you could sign more documents prepared by your subordinates with full confidence that you were underwriting better papers than you would have time to produce yourself? And if your boss would more often do the same with documents you prepare?
If your subordinates had routine ways of findings to more of the questions they now interrupt you for?
If interdepartmental conflicts and differences were resolved more often at those levels in the organization where they initially arise?
If the reports you get from “the field” were more timely and meaningful? And if you got faster feedback you send “up the line.”
If you could become more accessible to your subordinates and have more time to yourself without having to put in longer hours?
If others would stop bypassing you for decisions that are your prerogative to make? And if your boss stopped preempting you by making such decisions on his or her own.